CfP nächste Geo-Rundmail: Gendered Economic Practices

Call for Papers für die nächste Ausgabe:
Der Redaktionsschluss für die nächste Feministische Geo-RundMail Nr. 70 (Januar 2017) ist der 15.12.2016. Die nächste Ausgabe beschäftigt sich mit dem Schwerpunktthema Gendered Economic Practices.
The economy in all its diversity is undoubtedly a field where gender plays a significant role and many studies have pointed out how women have been excluded from or pushed into certain work spheres and how stereotypes influence gendered segregation of the employment market. At the same time, not only the paid or unpaid occupation has been studied from the gender vantage point, but also the production and consumption of
economic goods and services. With this call we aim to connect the fields of gendered economy with the notion of social practices. We follow the notion of practices outlined by Theodore Schatzki (1996, 2002) focusing
on practice-arrangement bundles, however contributions to this issues may deal with other practice oriented approaches.
Topics for this issue include:
– entrepreneurial and management practices
– practices of applications and job (re)orientations
– practices business encounters and networking
– practices of economic production and consumption
– practices in certain professions (e.g. health services)
– and many more.
We are looking forward to contributions to one of these topics in the following languages: German, English, French or Spanish.
Submissions can be reports of research projects, seminars or workshops – both summaries and announcements. We also encourage book reviews on the topic. Moreover, you are welcomed to write to us regarding recent publications or upcoming events.
Susann Schäfer,
Christine Wenzl,

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